Sunday, May 23, 2010

Weekly Reflection 2

Week 2 Reflection

I can’t believe it is over already. This week flew by faster than last week. On Monday, everything went smoothly. I had originally predicted that the week would go by very slowly since it was my last week but I predicted that very wrong. Monday was a little different because my sponsor had another commitment in the afternoon so I was able to shadow some other people for a little different view. I shadowed a women athletic trainer who works with the Boston Militia (a women’s football league out of Boston). And, I also shadowed the Boston Bruins and Red Sox athletic trainer for a little while. I learned all about the shoulder and its anatomy and physiology. I also was able to ask many questions about the job of an athletic trainer compared to a physical therapist. I feel like I should have asked more questions because I found myself quiet a lot of the time, but I just didn’t have any questions pop up in my mind. I would ask every question I had when I had it. Wednesday was a crazy day. I was very late because of traffic and I almost missed my bus going home because I stayed later in the clinic. I stayed later because there was a patient who I was able to get some good pictures of for my presentation and also it was a good injury for me to learn about. Friday went by so darn fast. I made brownies for everyone as a big, big thank you (they were so delicious). I was sad to leave because I really enjoyed spending time with the girls and everyone. I made new friends and new connections. I was told that I know more than a lot of people do going into college. After these last two weeks of observation I feel that I know ten times more than I did before. I don’t necessarily have facts memorized, but I have concepts in my head. From observing I know the basics of the standard procedures for rehabilitation. I was able to see a ton of physical therapy and not so much athletic training. But, as I said before, I can now see myself working in the field of physical therapy as well as athletic training. I am still going to school for athletic training but I am going to take as many physical therapy courses and get as many credits for that as possible as well. This will better my job opportunities when it comes the time for me to graduate. Someone also told me to make sure that I understand that this field does not always bring in tons of money. I know that, and I think that as long as you are doing what you love the money part doesn’t matter. I would rather be doing what I enjoy doing with out as much money, than working somewhere I am miserable but earning tons of money. My six days were everything I expected and more. I learned an unbelievable amount and couldn’t have asked for a better experience. I am grateful for being able to have this opportunity at my age and I am grateful for all the staff at the clinic to be so hospital. THE END :)

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