Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Loving It

I am just loving everything about my senior project right now. Today was a lot of fun. Besides waking up at 7:05 when I had to leave at 7:15, everything went smoothly. I got ready faster then I have ever gotten ready in my life and then was on my way to Boston for my second day at the sports med. clinic. Today I started off primarily shadowing the two girls who are doing their
CO-OP program from Northeastern. Instead of just watching, I finally was able to make ice bags, change sheets on the beds, and organize weights and other rehabilitation materials. I did this for my two hours in the morning until my lunch break at 12. Also, in the morning the Bruin's player Marco Sturm was doing his PT for his injured knee! For lunch I go to Whole Foods which is pretty much right under the clinic. When I returned I shadowed my sponsor again and learned more about knee surgeries. I got to mobe a patella...I know that sounds really cool but it just means move it around. I also got to watch a video on a total knee surgery. I don't suggest ever watching that if you get queazy easily. Later on another NHL player came in who formerly played for the Ducks- Ryan Whitney. We left the building at the same time and got to ride and talk in the elevator with him, and by talk I mean like 4 words. I forgot to mention I think that the women athletic trainer, Lisa, that I also spend a lot of time talking with with shadowing graduated from Colby Sawyer College and interned at Proctor when Phil Hackman was the athletic trainer....small world!! I found out the world of athletic training does get pretty small once you get into it.

That is all for now! Goodnight!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're having such an absorbing senior project. It sounds like you're having hands-on experience.
