Saturday, May 15, 2010

About Those B's...

I was too mad about the Bruin's loss to write last night. It will be a little awkward if I see any of them on Monday because it's not like you can say good game, that would just be too upsetting and fake sounding. On Friday, Marco Strum was in again and I got to learn about stim. on his quad and knee. It's amazing how you can be so close to a professional player and it just seems so normal and not a big deal. I also shadowed the Bruin's athletic trainer for the last half in hour on Monday. The most common injury that comes through the clinic is definitely an ACL tear. I know the exercises down pat for the ACL and other knee injuries now. It is neat seeing patients come through regularly and getting to know them as more than just patients. P.T is not just a professional helping a random person that is hurt. It is more getting to know your patient and really caring about them and knowing them on more of a personal level as well as helping them recover. I used to think I only wanted to be an Athletic Trainer and definitely not anything else. But, after seeing what P.T is all about I am starting to think I could be just as happy in that field as well. I look forward to what Monday brings.

I hope you are enjoying Hannah's Happenings.


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