Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Fifth Day

Today was my fifth day at the clinic. I am definitely getting very used to being there and being around everybody. Just as I start to feel like I am getting to know people, I will be leaving which makes me sad. Transportation was not in my favor today. The roads were rainy and the traffic was backed up like crazy. I got to South Station 20 minutes late. On top of that, the subway was running late and that wasted another 10 minutes. AND, on top of that, the subway that did come was an express to Harvard, which means it didn't stop at my stop so I had to get off and switch trains. How unlucky is that? Also, I stayed 20 minutes extra at the end of the day to observe Julie and her patient. I was then very late getting to my bus and had to sprint from the subway to the bus station which are not nearly as close as I wish they were. I had an asthma attack. But, I made it just in time. I was just not meant to be on time today, clearly. ANYWAY--> The day at the clinic went by super fast. My day started off with observing three, slightly different, lumbar back injuries. It was a very nice break from the ACL world. I have never really been tested in back injuries so a lot of what I saw was new to me which was great. Before my time in the clinic, I had never seen a pelvic tracton belt. And, I had never heard of Game Ready ice therapy. Today went by so fast because I really got to see some new things and time flies when your very busy, which today was. I even got the camera out a couple times and shot some pictures. I wish I could just take pictures of anyone and anything but it is a legal issue and wouldn't be private, which I totally understand. Since Friday is my last day, I will be baking soft brownies with chocolate chips for the staff at MGSMC. Hopefully this will get them to remember me in four years ;)

I am saddened by the thought that I only have one day left. I wish I could just do this as my job this summer.
I will write back on Friday!

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