Monday, May 10, 2010


I survived my first day! Not that I didn't think I would, but I was nervous! From the moment I stepped into the clinic I felt welcomed. I was greeted very kindly and everyone treated me like a new employee. After waiting in the lobby for maybe 30 seconds, I was already surrounded by the world of physical therepy and athletic training. I met my sponsor, J.R Lopes, right away and started shadowing him right off the bat. His work day starts at 7:30, so at 10 when I arrived things were quite busy. Time flies when you are having fun and learning about the field you hope to work in some day. J.R. introduced me to every patient and then did his normal job as I observed and asked every question that came to my mind. Today I got the basic tour of the building, including the doctors offices on the left side of the building. I learned all about ACL tears, altra-sounds, and stretching techniques. Before I knew it I was on my lunch break. I met my mother, who came down with me for the first day, for lunch at a While Foods Store. I have never had such a big salad in my life. Also, back in the office after lunch, I heard all about a new candy bar with bacon stips on the inside. When my lunch break ended everything went back to the busy self it was before. I was told Marc Savard from the Boston Bruins team was coming. But, I must have left before he came, I was very upset. I am not sure quite what I would do if I saw him in the same room as me.

Over all,
My day was incredible and I am so happy with my senior project choice.

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