Monday, May 17, 2010

Ravishing Rehabilitation

Monday.....the first day of the long week. I say long week because it is my last week of any sort of requirements for high school EVER, so therefore it will feel like a longggg week. Getting to the Sports Medicine Clinic now is like second nature to me. I go where I need to go with out even thinking about it anymore. I shadowed my sponsor like always this morning but he had another commitment in the afternoon. After my lunch break, which I spent outside at Au Bon Pain because it is such a nice day out, I shadowed two athletic trainers who were working today and hung out with the girls :) It does get a little frustrating that I can not actually do much while I observe, especially because I am such a hands on learner. But, I totally understand. Today before J.R left, he did have me lie on one of the beds and show me how tight the I.T band is on a non injured person. And, later, Scott showed and taught me about the anatomy and physiology of the shoulder and what goes on when the labrum is repaired, as well its rehabilitation process. I am getting a very lot of observation time and it will definitely benefit me when I go to study this material in college. I am excited to put my knowledge into good use. I am on the bus now heading back to Concord. I am looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow and being with my tennis team for one of our last practices this year, and one of my last team practices in my life. That is a weird thought.

Ta Ta for now.

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