Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I didn't go to Boston today. Tuesday's is one of the days I have off during the week and participate in tennis. I honestly did not do a whole lot today. I woke up and went to Dunkin Donuts. Then, I read over a couple articles I was given on Monday. One was on a 10 year study on ACL tears, and the other on the Boston Militia Women's Football team. That was very fun to read because I did not even know a girl's pro football team existed. I went to lunch at school and talked to the other senior's about their senior projects and about mine. Then I went to the gym for 2 1/2 hours. I would have played tennis but my practice had a miscommunication and ended up being canceled. Tomorrow we have a home match but I will not be able to make it because I will be going to Boston for my second day of shadowing! Just incase you want to know, the Girl's Varsity Tennis team tied Brewster for the Lake's Region Championships!!! It is a bummer I have to miss Wednesday matches! I need to wake up very early tomorrow so I can actually make it on time tomorrow, unlike my first day. So, I am going to bed right now Goodnight!

-Hannah :)

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