Sunday, May 23, 2010

Weekly Reflection 2

Week 2 Reflection

I can’t believe it is over already. This week flew by faster than last week. On Monday, everything went smoothly. I had originally predicted that the week would go by very slowly since it was my last week but I predicted that very wrong. Monday was a little different because my sponsor had another commitment in the afternoon so I was able to shadow some other people for a little different view. I shadowed a women athletic trainer who works with the Boston Militia (a women’s football league out of Boston). And, I also shadowed the Boston Bruins and Red Sox athletic trainer for a little while. I learned all about the shoulder and its anatomy and physiology. I also was able to ask many questions about the job of an athletic trainer compared to a physical therapist. I feel like I should have asked more questions because I found myself quiet a lot of the time, but I just didn’t have any questions pop up in my mind. I would ask every question I had when I had it. Wednesday was a crazy day. I was very late because of traffic and I almost missed my bus going home because I stayed later in the clinic. I stayed later because there was a patient who I was able to get some good pictures of for my presentation and also it was a good injury for me to learn about. Friday went by so darn fast. I made brownies for everyone as a big, big thank you (they were so delicious). I was sad to leave because I really enjoyed spending time with the girls and everyone. I made new friends and new connections. I was told that I know more than a lot of people do going into college. After these last two weeks of observation I feel that I know ten times more than I did before. I don’t necessarily have facts memorized, but I have concepts in my head. From observing I know the basics of the standard procedures for rehabilitation. I was able to see a ton of physical therapy and not so much athletic training. But, as I said before, I can now see myself working in the field of physical therapy as well as athletic training. I am still going to school for athletic training but I am going to take as many physical therapy courses and get as many credits for that as possible as well. This will better my job opportunities when it comes the time for me to graduate. Someone also told me to make sure that I understand that this field does not always bring in tons of money. I know that, and I think that as long as you are doing what you love the money part doesn’t matter. I would rather be doing what I enjoy doing with out as much money, than working somewhere I am miserable but earning tons of money. My six days were everything I expected and more. I learned an unbelievable amount and couldn’t have asked for a better experience. I am grateful for being able to have this opportunity at my age and I am grateful for all the staff at the clinic to be so hospital. THE END :)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

All Done

I had my last day at the clinic today :( As I expected, the six days went by so darn fast. I made three boxes of chocolate chip brownies for everybody as a thank you. I finally got to meet Alex, the P.T I was originally suppose to shadow. Everything about my day went by very fast. Before I knew it I was saying goodbye to everybody. I am sad to have to leave already. I loved being there and just being around injuries and bodies and lots of good-natured people. The enviroment is so fun and I know I want to be in a place like that when I look for a job after I finish school.I had an amazing experience during my 6 days and I will write all about that in my second weekly self evaluation on Sunday.


Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Fifth Day

Today was my fifth day at the clinic. I am definitely getting very used to being there and being around everybody. Just as I start to feel like I am getting to know people, I will be leaving which makes me sad. Transportation was not in my favor today. The roads were rainy and the traffic was backed up like crazy. I got to South Station 20 minutes late. On top of that, the subway was running late and that wasted another 10 minutes. AND, on top of that, the subway that did come was an express to Harvard, which means it didn't stop at my stop so I had to get off and switch trains. How unlucky is that? Also, I stayed 20 minutes extra at the end of the day to observe Julie and her patient. I was then very late getting to my bus and had to sprint from the subway to the bus station which are not nearly as close as I wish they were. I had an asthma attack. But, I made it just in time. I was just not meant to be on time today, clearly. ANYWAY--> The day at the clinic went by super fast. My day started off with observing three, slightly different, lumbar back injuries. It was a very nice break from the ACL world. I have never really been tested in back injuries so a lot of what I saw was new to me which was great. Before my time in the clinic, I had never seen a pelvic tracton belt. And, I had never heard of Game Ready ice therapy. Today went by so fast because I really got to see some new things and time flies when your very busy, which today was. I even got the camera out a couple times and shot some pictures. I wish I could just take pictures of anyone and anything but it is a legal issue and wouldn't be private, which I totally understand. Since Friday is my last day, I will be baking soft brownies with chocolate chips for the staff at MGSMC. Hopefully this will get them to remember me in four years ;)

I am saddened by the thought that I only have one day left. I wish I could just do this as my job this summer.
I will write back on Friday!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Ravishing Rehabilitation

Monday.....the first day of the long week. I say long week because it is my last week of any sort of requirements for high school EVER, so therefore it will feel like a longggg week. Getting to the Sports Medicine Clinic now is like second nature to me. I go where I need to go with out even thinking about it anymore. I shadowed my sponsor like always this morning but he had another commitment in the afternoon. After my lunch break, which I spent outside at Au Bon Pain because it is such a nice day out, I shadowed two athletic trainers who were working today and hung out with the girls :) It does get a little frustrating that I can not actually do much while I observe, especially because I am such a hands on learner. But, I totally understand. Today before J.R left, he did have me lie on one of the beds and show me how tight the I.T band is on a non injured person. And, later, Scott showed and taught me about the anatomy and physiology of the shoulder and what goes on when the labrum is repaired, as well its rehabilitation process. I am getting a very lot of observation time and it will definitely benefit me when I go to study this material in college. I am excited to put my knowledge into good use. I am on the bus now heading back to Concord. I am looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow and being with my tennis team for one of our last practices this year, and one of my last team practices in my life. That is a weird thought.

Ta Ta for now.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Weekly Reflection 1

This week at Boston Mass. General Sports Medicine Clinic opened my eyes to new experiences and knowledge. I went to Boston on my first day thinking that I would be seeing a lot of athletic training practice. However, it is primarily a physical therapy and rehabilitation clinic. I have always thought that I only want to be an athletic trainer but after a week of seeing what a P.T does I realized I could be just as happy as a P.T as well. I like everything that goes on in the clinic. Everybody is so friendly and professional, and fun and enthusiastic as well. Although it may not look like it, I really do enjoy observing an ultra-sound, or a round of stim. on somebody’s quad. It it helpful seeing the exercises for an ACL tear over and over again because that is how it really sticks in my mind. I have also really loved chatting with the athletic trainers that are around about their every day life as an athletic trainer. It seems as though many athletic trainer’s start as just athletic trainers but eventually incorporate another job that has to do with P.T in their life. I have been told that it is very smart to take as many P.T courses while studying to be an athletic trainer because it will help me get a better job, and easier. I am not allowed to physically do much while I am in the clinic. I was not expecting to be able to because of liability reasons and I am simply just not certified to. Besides it being primarily P.T, everything is pretty much what I expected it to be. My sponsor, J.R, is so cooperative about me shadowing him. I feel annoying sometimes just following him but he is always teaching me new things and I am so grateful to be able to shadow him. Some highlights of the week were definitely meeting and talking with Marco Strum from the Bruins. If anything this week was surprising, it would be how nonchalant it is to have a professional athlete in the room. Before my experience at the clinic I thought I would get butterflies and be very nervous/ excited to be around a professional but when it actually happened it was just as normal as an ordinary patient. I will benefit from this week by having more of an understanding to the every day life of a physical therapist. I now know more of the daily routine and do not feel as new as I did the first couple days. I am excited to learn more this week and continue to expand my knowledge on athletic training and physical therapy to help me in my career. I am very happy with my senior project choice and would not wish to do anything else.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

About Those B's...

I was too mad about the Bruin's loss to write last night. It will be a little awkward if I see any of them on Monday because it's not like you can say good game, that would just be too upsetting and fake sounding. On Friday, Marco Strum was in again and I got to learn about stim. on his quad and knee. It's amazing how you can be so close to a professional player and it just seems so normal and not a big deal. I also shadowed the Bruin's athletic trainer for the last half in hour on Monday. The most common injury that comes through the clinic is definitely an ACL tear. I know the exercises down pat for the ACL and other knee injuries now. It is neat seeing patients come through regularly and getting to know them as more than just patients. P.T is not just a professional helping a random person that is hurt. It is more getting to know your patient and really caring about them and knowing them on more of a personal level as well as helping them recover. I used to think I only wanted to be an Athletic Trainer and definitely not anything else. But, after seeing what P.T is all about I am starting to think I could be just as happy in that field as well. I look forward to what Monday brings.

I hope you are enjoying Hannah's Happenings.


Friday, May 14, 2010


I was so tired last night that I completely forgot to write. Yesterday was one of my days off. I went to assembly and I hung out around campus for most of the day. I went to the training room and talked to them about my experience and I was taped and wrapped by two students that are doing their senior project in there. Then I worked out and went to tennis practice. The rest of the night I didn't do anything exciting, just relaxed. I went to bed early because I had to get up earlier than normal this morning to pick up my friend Pedro . Pedro is on the bus with me right now because he is also going to Boston to visit a college and his parents. It is very nice having some company on the bus ride. After today, I will be half way done with my senior project.

I won't forget to write tonight!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Loving It

I am just loving everything about my senior project right now. Today was a lot of fun. Besides waking up at 7:05 when I had to leave at 7:15, everything went smoothly. I got ready faster then I have ever gotten ready in my life and then was on my way to Boston for my second day at the sports med. clinic. Today I started off primarily shadowing the two girls who are doing their
CO-OP program from Northeastern. Instead of just watching, I finally was able to make ice bags, change sheets on the beds, and organize weights and other rehabilitation materials. I did this for my two hours in the morning until my lunch break at 12. Also, in the morning the Bruin's player Marco Sturm was doing his PT for his injured knee! For lunch I go to Whole Foods which is pretty much right under the clinic. When I returned I shadowed my sponsor again and learned more about knee surgeries. I got to mobe a patella...I know that sounds really cool but it just means move it around. I also got to watch a video on a total knee surgery. I don't suggest ever watching that if you get queazy easily. Later on another NHL player came in who formerly played for the Ducks- Ryan Whitney. We left the building at the same time and got to ride and talk in the elevator with him, and by talk I mean like 4 words. I forgot to mention I think that the women athletic trainer, Lisa, that I also spend a lot of time talking with with shadowing graduated from Colby Sawyer College and interned at Proctor when Phil Hackman was the athletic trainer....small world!! I found out the world of athletic training does get pretty small once you get into it.

That is all for now! Goodnight!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I didn't go to Boston today. Tuesday's is one of the days I have off during the week and participate in tennis. I honestly did not do a whole lot today. I woke up and went to Dunkin Donuts. Then, I read over a couple articles I was given on Monday. One was on a 10 year study on ACL tears, and the other on the Boston Militia Women's Football team. That was very fun to read because I did not even know a girl's pro football team existed. I went to lunch at school and talked to the other senior's about their senior projects and about mine. Then I went to the gym for 2 1/2 hours. I would have played tennis but my practice had a miscommunication and ended up being canceled. Tomorrow we have a home match but I will not be able to make it because I will be going to Boston for my second day of shadowing! Just incase you want to know, the Girl's Varsity Tennis team tied Brewster for the Lake's Region Championships!!! It is a bummer I have to miss Wednesday matches! I need to wake up very early tomorrow so I can actually make it on time tomorrow, unlike my first day. So, I am going to bed right now Goodnight!

-Hannah :)

Monday, May 10, 2010


I survived my first day! Not that I didn't think I would, but I was nervous! From the moment I stepped into the clinic I felt welcomed. I was greeted very kindly and everyone treated me like a new employee. After waiting in the lobby for maybe 30 seconds, I was already surrounded by the world of physical therepy and athletic training. I met my sponsor, J.R Lopes, right away and started shadowing him right off the bat. His work day starts at 7:30, so at 10 when I arrived things were quite busy. Time flies when you are having fun and learning about the field you hope to work in some day. J.R. introduced me to every patient and then did his normal job as I observed and asked every question that came to my mind. Today I got the basic tour of the building, including the doctors offices on the left side of the building. I learned all about ACL tears, altra-sounds, and stretching techniques. Before I knew it I was on my lunch break. I met my mother, who came down with me for the first day, for lunch at a While Foods Store. I have never had such a big salad in my life. Also, back in the office after lunch, I heard all about a new candy bar with bacon stips on the inside. When my lunch break ended everything went back to the busy self it was before. I was told Marc Savard from the Boston Bruins team was coming. But, I must have left before he came, I was very upset. I am not sure quite what I would do if I saw him in the same room as me.

Over all,
My day was incredible and I am so happy with my senior project choice.

First Day!

At this very moment I am on a Concord Coach bus to Boston for my first day of Senior Project! For the next two weeks I will be shadowing athletic trainers and physical therapists at the Mass. General Hospital Sports Medicine Clinic! Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10-4 I will be observing the every day life of an athletic trainer. The days I am not in Boston, I will be continuing with tennis and blogging about my incredible experience. I can see the city of Boston now, so I will write back later with details of my first day!!

-Hannah :)